
Google Analytics 4 extension for Magento allows you to use GA4 easily on your store. Juste enable it, and fill your account ID, and that’s it!

You also have the choice on how the transactions are sent to GA4 (order success page or on invoice/order creation). GA4 extension allows you also to track event like customer registration/login/logout, add product to cart, …

  • Use the new Google Analytics 4 with your Magento

  • Google Tag Manager support

  • Choose between classical transaction system (transaction sent on order success page) or server-side transaction system (transaction sent on event (order placed, order invoiced, etc..)

  • By choosing server-side system, you will have an exact conversion rate!

  • Server-side transaction system, using Google’s Measurement Protocol support, allow you to track real transactions (only paid orders!). But if you want, an option allow you to track all orders (with non-paid ones). Or only orders which get a specific status.

  • Configure your transaction tracking data : Including or excluding tax ? Order currency or Base Currency ? Send child items or not ?

  • Track following events : Customer Registration, Customer Login, Customer Logout, Add product to cart, Remove product from cart, Add coupon code, Share wishlist, Add product to wishlist, Newsletter subscription & unsubscription, Order placed, Order paid, Order refunded, Time Spent on page, Compare:add, Compare:remove (Ask for more!)

  • Track magento ajax sections in onepage checkout, Track submitted contact form, Track successfull login, etc… with extra pageviews hits.

  • Send events during checkout : order placed, paid, refunded…

  • Manage dimensions about the environment, the customer, the product, the breadcrumb, etc…

  • Support for Google Analytics 4 enhanced ecommerce plugin : Product Impressions*, Product clicks*, Product details impressions, Promo impressions*, Promo clicks*, Addition and Removal from Cart, Checkout Steps, Transactions, Refunds

  • Support a lot of custom dimensions (from product data, environment, customer, cart, breadcrumb, ..)

  • Support for Google Analytics 4 demographics data

  • Support for a lot of options : Opt-Out, User ID, referrer override, cookies options, allow anchor, always send referrer, sample rate, site speed sample rate, etc…

  • New! Analytics Admin Dashboard : Simple for now, we will make it more usefull and complete in the next releases.

  • Support Marketplace extensions : ShoppingFlux, Ess_M2ePro (Orders from those marketplaces extensions will be sent to GA4 with a specific campaign)

  • Support double tracking : One account for all stores (global scope), and one account for the store view

  • Can manage Google remarketing tag

  • Can manage Google dynamic remarketing through custom dimensions

  • Can manage Google adwords tag

Functionnality missing ?

Please feel free to contact us, and maybe we could add it to our next release!