

Before installing any new extension to your production website, you have to respect those step:

  1. Test the extension on a (recent) pre-production version of your website

  2. If everything is alright on your preprod version: Create a backup of your production website, and go to step 3

  3. Install the version on your website

Installation might cause issues because of specifc server configuration, third-part installed modules, custom themes, core surcharges, etc … That’s why you must know what you are doing, and you must be able to rollback in case of problems. If you are not sure what to do, we advise you to order our Installation services, or ask a professional to install the extension for you.

Extension licence note

Webcooking offers a single installation by licence. It means only one magento installation may use the extensions. This magento instance may use Webcooking extension with unlimited stores. The Webcooking extension is linked with the default store domain (domain used to connect to administration).

The extension can also be used on unlimited development or pre-production instances of Magento. However, those Magento test instances must stay test environement.

How to install the extension

Step 1: Preparations
  1. Download and uncompress extension

  2. If you want to install the extension on production site (live site) directly, please read the notice above.

  3. If you are installing the extension on production site (live site), create a backup

  4. Disable compilation if enabled. To disable compilation, go to Admin > System > Tools > Compulation.

Step 2: Upload files
  1. Go to directory step1, step2 and upload its content to your Magento directory, using your FTP client. Make sure all files have been uploaded

  2. Go to directory step3 and upload its content to your Magento directory, using your FTP client. Make sure all files have been uploaded.

  3. Clear Magento Cache (Admin > System > Cache Management > Flush Magento Cache)

  4. Reindex Magento indexes

  5. Disconnect Magento Admin and reconnect

Step 3: CRONs management

Some extensions required some actions periodically. Magento manages this natively, but you need to configure it on your server when installing magento. If it has not been done, you should do it now:

Exemple of configuration for a Linux server: Connect via ssh to your server and execute:

crontab -e -u www-data

Replace www-data by the unix user used by apache (or nginx, or whatever is your web server) Add this line to the crontab:

* * * * * cd /path/to/your/magento && sudo -u www-data sh >> /path/to/your/logs/cron.log